Dear Vega ISD Community:
While it’s hard to tell from the weather, next week will be Spring Break. We hope you and your family enjoy Spring Break next week and get to spend time together. This upcoming Sunday will mark the beginning of daylight savings time so everyone will want to remember to spring forward and move your clocks ahead one hour.
Our students have been very busy this past week excelling in their different academic and extracurricular activities. The high school hosted the ACT and TSIA tests for students to prepare them for college admissions and dual credit courses. I see our students and teachers working really hard in the classroom. The level of hard work and focus our students provide for the lessons our teachers deliver is very impressive. If your student needs any additional help with their academic progress, please be sure to reach out to your child’s teacher.
The junior high track team traveled to Fritch for the Pantex Relays on Thursday while the high school track team traveled to Fritch for the Pantex Relays on Friday with fourteen different medal winners. The girls golf team finished 2nd overall at the West Texas Invitational along with an overall individual third place finisher. The varsity boys basketball team announced two all district players along with seven academic all district players. The tennis team traveled to the Caprock Longhorn Invitational Tennis Meet against 4A/5A teams and competed very well with the girls doubles team winning the consolation championship. The girls powerlifting team had two powerlifters compete well at the Regional Powerlifting Meet and broke some personal records with their lifts. And, of course, another one of our volleyball players signed a national letter of intent to play at the collegiate level. The One Act Play presented their performance for the first time to the student body and parents, family, and community members as they prepare for their district competition in two weeks. Please check out our webpage and Facebook pages for more information and pictures.
Thank you to our parents, teachers, students, and community members for responding to the district’s survey regarding feedback on a possible 4-day week for the calendar. The parent, community, and teacher feedback was strongly in favor of a 4-day week. Our site-based decision making committee is meeting to review the survey results and develop a 4-day and a traditional 5-day calendar recommendation for consideration. We are planning to host a couple of Q & A Sessions on Tuesday, March 18th at 8 AM, 3 PM, and 6 PM in the high school computer lab for parents who have questions or seek more information about this. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your campus or my office.
Thank you,
Jerry Adams
Superintendent, Vega ISD