Dear Vega ISD Community:
Welcome back to the freezing weather and sub-zero wind chills!
Just in case you were wondering how we make decisions on whether to delay school or cancel school because of weather conditions, we monitor the Amarillo National Weather Service for weather updates, drive the roads between 4 AM and 4:30 AM to evaluate driving conditions, and monitor the conditions in surrounding areas. We try to make decisions as early as possible so families and our drivers can make plans accordingly. The safety of our students, staff, and community is the top priority when making these decisions knowing that our kids need to be in school if conditions safely permit. As always, if you ever feel that the roads from your home are not safe to drive on, please make those decisions as a family and let your child’s campus know. Safety is always a priority.
Students and teachers continue to work hard in the classroom as many of our seniors are working on scholarship applications for college all the way to our Pre-K students who work really well in their learning center activities.
We will begin our transfer campaign soon on our social media platforms. If you know of any family who is thinking about transferring to Vega ISD, please have them reach out to their campus principal or to my office. We would welcome the opportunity to visit with anyone about the benefits of being a student in Vega ISD.
This past week has seen our students have so much success! Congratulations go out to our girls basketball team who won the bi-district championship last week and got to celebrate with another gold ball! The Lady Horns ended their season in the area round of the playoffs facing one of the top ranked teams in the state. Our art students competed in the VASE competition this past weekend and three of our students came in 1st place in their competitions. The Vega powerlifting team traveled to Friona over the weekend and came home with metals for placing in their various competitions. Please see the district’s website and facebook page for pictures and more information.
We are officially entering the season for the spring events and our students, teachers, and coaches continue to stay busy with various activities. Track, golf, and tennis are beginning and our Ag Mech students will travel to San Antonio for their next competition. Be sure to wish our Longhorns and Lady Horns good luck in their upcoming events!
Thank you,
Jerry Adams
Superintendent, Vega ISD