Dear Vega ISD Community:
This Friday, February 14th will be an early release day and next Monday, February 17th will be a students and staff holiday for President’s Day.
Congratulations to our band students who competed at the UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest this past Saturday at West Texas A&M University. Five of our students earned a Division 1 Rating at the contest and will advance to the State Solo and Ensemble Contest in Austin in May. We are very proud of all of our students who competed and of those who advanced to state. Please see the district’s webpage and facebook page for more information and pictures.
Our powerlifting team traveled to Dumas this past weekend for their competition and three of our powerlifters placed at the meet and they all worked hard. Our boys basketball teams finished off their season Monday night in Sunray. Our girls basketball team traveled to Plainview on Tuesday for a Bi-District Playoff game against Quanah. The One Act Play team participated in a clinic at Randall High School in Canyon as they prepare for their competition in March. Please see the district’s webpage and facebook page for more information and pictures.
Our principals have designated this week as an early “Teacher Appreciation Week” and have scheduled many wonderful treats for our fantastic teachers this week to “Show Some Love to Our Teachers.” On Monday our teachers were provided soup, on Tuesday charcuterie cups were delivered to teachers, on Wednesday tea and “good ice” was provided to teachers, on Thursday the Catholic Church will provide casseroles for teachers to pick up after school, and Friday will be a donut day for our teachers. A special thanks to Mrs. Rosas and Mrs. Porton for putting this together for our teachers.
Our staff wellness competition is off to a great start and there is some fierce competition among the Vega ISD staff teams. Our staff teams are competing in a league with other teams from around the county. Combined, the Oldham Walk Across Texas League has walked nearly 2200 this past week.
Thank you,
Jerry Adams
Superintendent, Vega ISD