Dear Vega ISD Community:
Welcome to February! We are transitioning between seasons right now as junior high basketball has ended and junior high track is beginning. The high school boys basketball season is entering its final three games while the high school girls basketball team is getting ready for the playoffs while finishing up their regular season this week.
Our Ag Mech students did a great job last week in San Angelo with many blue ribbons awarded to our hard working students. Be sure to check out the district webpage and Facebook page for more information and pictures. Varsity Basketball/Cheer Senior Night was this past Tuesday where we were able to recognize our seniors and their parents from both the boys and girls basketball teams.
Our staff is joining the community for the Walk Across Texas health and wellness challenge. This is a partnership between the school district’s School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) and the Oldham County Ag Extension Office. Participating staff members have joined teams to see which team walks the most miles during the competition. This is always a fun wellness challenge each spring semester.
The Band held a silent auction during Tuesday’s basketball game and the 3rd and 4th grade held a basketball performance during the halftime of the varsity girls game. Our powerlifting team is traveling to Dumas this weekend for their powerlifting meet and our band students are competing at the UIL solo and ensemble contest this weekend at West Texas A&M.
Thank you,
Jerry Adams
Superintendent, Vega ISD