Longhorn Weekly

Dear Vega ISD Community, 

Last week was full of milestones for our students at the elementary, junior high, and high school campuses.  We held graduation ceremonies for our kindergarten students, our 8th grade students, and our graduating seniors.  Graduation ceremonies are one of my favorite events because we are able to celebrate our students reaching major milestones.  It is certainly an honor for our staff to have the opportunity to be part of this special journey with our families as we celebrate our students.  As I told the seniors before they graduated, they are cared for by our staff and community and we cannot wait to hear about their successes in the next phase of their lives.  We also told our seniors that when their diplomas are signed, they are prayed for by name.  From my experience, no matter the part of our journey we are experiencing throughout any part of our life, it is so important and uplifting to know that others are praying for us.  

Congratulations to UIL Academic State Meet Qualifiers for bringing home some medals and hardware this past week.  The Accounting Team was crowned the State Runner Up Champions and is composed of Benneth Lopez, Lynlee Spinhirne, Braden Brorman, and Corbin Marsh.  Individually, Benneth Lopez placed 3rd and Lynlee Spinhirne placed 6th in Accounting at State.  Diego Martinez won a fourth place medal in Computer Apps at the State Meet.  Abi Vincent won a fourth place medal in Copy Editing at the State Meet.  Check out the district’s website and social media for pictures and more information.  

Congratulations to Addie Carlson who has done something no other Vega student has ever done and won the Area 1 State Officer nomination and will run for State FFA President in July in Houston.  She also was the Area 1 Champion in Public Speaking Ag Technology and will compete in the state contest in June.  Check out the district’s website and social media for pictures and more information.  

At the end of the week, our band students who qualified for State UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest will travel to Austin.  Even though the school year is over, our students continue to participate in extracurricular activities.  

Thank you to Interbank for donating our new scoreboard at the football field.  It was installed a couple of weeks ago and is being hooked up.  We appreciate Interbank for their donation of the scoreboard at no cost to the district to support our student athletes.  

We keep mentioning this, but this is so important that we need to continue promoting it.  As you know, our district has kicked off a transfer campaign on our website and social media in order to increase our student enrollment.  An increase of 25 students throughout the district (that’s about two students per grade level or about eight families of three school-age children each) would go a long way in reducing our deficit budget.  Please note that to be eligible to be accepted as a transfer student to Vega ISD, all students must be in good standing with their current school district, have good attendance, and have no discipline issues.  Check out our transfer landing page on the district’s website that talks about our school and how to apply for a transfer.  If you feel comfortable doing so, please “like” the social media posts and share them on your own social media pages.  If you need any help in doing this, please reach out to our office. We would be glad to help.      

More students means more funding from the state.  An increase in student enrollment is one of the ways the state allows school districts to gain revenue since there was no increased funding provided for public schools in this past legislative session.    

As always, if you have any questions or if we can help in any way, please reach out to your campus principal or to my office.  

Thank you, 

Jerry Adams 


Vega ISD