Superintendent Update for October 4, 2023:
We are pleased to announce that Vega ISD has applied for and received Notice of Grant Award from the Texas Education Agency for the 22-25 School Safety Standards Formula Grant. This grant is in the amount of $200,000 and is to be expended to meet minimum compliance to implement the new safety standards applicable to Chapter 61, Sub-chapter CC, 61.031 of Commissioner’s Rule.
This grant was applied for after the Local School Safety and Security Committee meeting in early August, 2023. The committee met and along with administration, identified areas to be considered. The committee is made up of representatives from local law enforcement, the county sheriff’s office, EMS, the school board president and one school board member, the superintendent, the high school principal, two parents and one classroom teacher. This committee meets once each summer and once each semester to review safety measures at Vega ISD.
Areas to be addressed are the installation of entry resistant film to windows, doors, and sidelights throughout the campus, the addition of silent alert technology which has been implemented and tested using the Raptor Application, and exterior door numbering which has been installed. We ordered software to update the Visitor Access System which will run an immediate background check with a swipe of a driver’s license. If funds are left over, the plan is to update the Exterior Door Access System and install a Door Detection System that will allow administrators to detect any doors that are left open during the school day.
The Raptor App has been tested using alerts for lockdowns and evacuations this semester with timely and positive outcomes. The app has a feature that each student and staff members check in to let everyone know they are safe and their current locations. It has had a great response time and reception from both students and staff.
The principals perform and report door audits checking exterior doors each week. They are to remain locked during the school day. The district also passed an Intruder Detection Audit that was conducted on Monday for the High School. A representative of Region 16 ESC walks the campus and tries to gain access to our buildings. No findings were reported and access was not gained.
Vega ISD has also added a Threat Assessment Team, required by the Texas Education Code. Team members have been through training and the group acts as a buffer to violence and provides support for identified individuals before they “act out”.
The 86th Legislature passed SB 11 that created the annual School Safety Allotment which designates funds that the district can access to improve safety measures. The bill allows for a $15,000 award per campus and a $10 addition per Average Daily Attendance. Each year the bill is in place, the district should receive no less than $48,000.
We understand that school safety is ongoing and we can never be “too safe” with our kids and staff, but I believe Vega ISD does a great job with trying to keep their most valuable assets safe. These measures coupled with a truly valuable School Guardian Program that sharpens the awareness and training of these volunteers is priceless. The rigor, training, and responsibility on these team members is tremendous. Much thanks should also be given to Early Responders and Law Enforcement that spend hours supporting staff and students at Vega ISD.